Please contact me if you would like me to speak at your next meeting, I will answer anything and explain my platform.

I believe our nation is under attack from a dangerous, far right, un-American party that has and is subverting the rule of law in order to enrich themselves and install a regressive authoritarian form of government.  Constant attacks on American institutions like the CDC, the FBI, the DOJ, as well as on public education, vaccines, our elections, the media, and certainly our constitutional rights, like the right of a woman to have bodily autonomy and receive healthcare without government oversight. I want to speak out and continually urge everyone this year to vote democratic and emphatically prove that hate, threats and violence have no place in our political system or in our communities.

This campaign is centered on this PRINCIPLE.

Good people don’t hurt other people!

This picture was taken almost ninety years ago, I want to ask the voters of eastern Washington, if they could travel back in time, would they stand with this man?  Knowing what we know now, that in the coming years, seventy-five million people will be tortured, raped and murdered at the direction of an insane madman and his ardent supporters.  Would you risk everything to stand next to August Landmesser and be on the side of right, the side of justice and peace?

I believe that we must learn from history and the current words and actions of another madman, a man now the head of the Republican party, a madman that is a serious contender to once again be president of the United States is on the ballot. Voting for a Republican who supports this MAGA agenda is simply a risk we must not take.  I plan to Stand like Augie during this campaign and speak against hate and the abdication of our duty to defend the constitution from all threats foreign and domestic.  To speak for all those who are and feel threatened and to urge everyone to vote against this Republican agenda of regression and autocracy. Vote for a better America, vote Democratic!

Stand up like August Landmesser who stood against the party who wanted to make Germany great again. Scabs and CEO's vote for Republicans and republican policies hurt people. Don't vote like a Scab or CEO, don't vote to hurt people! This year vote Democratic up and down the ballot!

Contact me! (509) 280-8700

P.O. Box 501 Colbert WA 99005

I am running in defense of our democratic way of life.  American institutions and ideals are being attacked through misinformation and dangerous propaganda. I believe, good people don’t hurt other people, our elections are fair and secure, vaccines save lives, and compassion and integrity are essential characteristics for elected officials. I will focus on affordable housing, healthcare and improving the economic state of working people.  I support the right to choose and am opposed to book bans, all forms of hate, and I will work to protect constitutional rights so that everyone is free to live the lives they choose.

Washington State Labor Council

Spokane Regional Labor Council

Spokane County Democratic Party

Former State Rep and Legend George Orr

USW Local 289M President Ryan Andreas

Center for Freethought Equality

Richard Prete

Kay McGlockin

John Ross

USW District 12

Warren G Magnuson Democratic Club

Ed Wood

Mary Lloyd

Kurt Johnson

UA of Plumbers and Steamfitters LU #44